The Profit July 2015 Edition
Posted on July 6, 2015 byThe July 2015 edition of The Profit Newsletter is now available for download as a High Quality PDF (print quality) or Low Res PDF for mobile devices. The Profit Newsletter is the official newsletter of the Tampa Real Estate Investors Alliance and is a digital, interactive newsletter for serious real estate investors delivered as an Adobe PDF file to read on your computer, tablet, or smart phone with a PDF reader. Many of the articles and ads in The Profit contain hyperlinks you can click to get more information online. The high res version of The Profit is “print ready”while the low res version july load faster on your mobile device. Also, be sure to Subscribe to The Profit so you don’t miss a single monthly issue.
This month we have some great articles by Reggie Brooks, Don DeRosa, Frank Iglesias, Bill Ham, Kathy Kennebrook, Kimberlee Frank, Ron LeGrand, Russ Hiner, Mark Jackson, Jim Hitt, Larry Harbolt, Tony Pearl, Bill Cook and Bob Massey.
Tampa REIA Gold Business Members can Advertise in The Profit for as low as $599/year for a single full page ad or two half page ads. Just call us at 678-701-7160 to discuss a special plan to promote your business to our members, friends and followers throughout the year.