Tampa Real Estate Investors Alliance Blog

The Profit January 2014 Edition

Posted on January 6, 2014 by
The Profit Newsletter for Tampa REIA January 2014
Download the January 2014 Edition of The Profit Newsletter Now!

The Profit - January 2014 - High Quality PDFThe January 2014 edition of The Profit Newsletter is now available for download. You can download The Profit Newsletter as a High Quality PDF (Recommended) or Low Res PDF for slower devices. The Profit Newsletter is the official newsletter of the Tampa Real Estate Investors Alliance and is a digital, interactive newsletter for new and seasoned real estate investors delivered as an Adobe PDF file to read on your PC, Mac, Smart Phone, iPad or other mobile ready devices with a PDF reader. Many of the articles and ads in The Profit contain hyperlinks you can click or tap to visit websites, watch videos, listen to audios, download content, send emails, comment on articles, share socially and much more! The high res version of The Profit is “print ready” for those who want to print the newsletter on their home or business printer. Also, be sure to Subscribe to The Profit so you don’t miss a single monthly issue.

Download Now!
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See The Profit Archives for our past editions.

Constructing Offers

Posted on January 4, 2014 by

Once the seller is called by either you or your virtual assistant using our property information sheet, the prospects will come at you in one of four categories:

  1. they’ll be free and clear
  2. there’ll be a mortgage with lots of equity
  3. there’ll be a mortgage with a small amount of equity, or
  4. they’ll be over-leveraged

All prospects will fall into one of these categories.

So, now our job is to look at the property information sheet and figure out what to do next after we receive this information. In this lesson, I will go through each of these and provide the script for you to make the call with the information sheet in your hand.

Let’s start with free and clear houses. You’ll know they’re free and clear because the seller will tell you that when you ask, “How much do you owe?” Once you have this information, you have a prospect that will either give you a “yes” answer or a “no” answer to the owner financing question on the right side of the property information sheet. If it’s a yes answer, it’s a prospect. If it’s a no answer, it’s a suspect. If the seller will not take their equity in monthly installments, this is a dead deal unless they answer yes to the lease purchase question. If they do say yes to monthly installments, it’s now just a matter of calling them and verifying the facts you have on the property information sheets, assuming you weren’t the first to talk to them in collecting the information. When you make that call, there’s a script you can use to determine which of the two categories they fall into: Read More→

Where is Your Market Place?

Posted on January 4, 2014 by

Ugly HouseIn last month’s article we discussed Step #2 of “Determining Your Marketing Plan in 7 Easy Steps” which was to Determine Your Market”. In Step 2 we covered “Who and What is Your Market”. Using Wholesaling as our investment strategy, we determined that our ideal property prospect was a distressed, vacant, ugly house with no mortgage or a low loan balance. Our ideal seller was a motivated seller who needs to sell and often needs to sell quickly. We also determined that our ideal buyers for these distressed properties were other real estate investors such as rehabbers, landlords, wholesalers and hedge funds who can pay all cash and can close quickly.

This month we’re going to pick up where we left off in Step #2 and determine “Where is Your Marketplace?If we continue using Wholesaling as our investment strategy, you now need to determine:

  • Where will you find motivated sellers with distressed properties for sale?
  • Will you target your entire metro area to find these properties or only certain counties, townships, zip codes or neighborhoods?
  • Will your buyers want to purchase homes in the areas where you have inventory?
  • Are there certain areas you should avoid?

By answering questions such as these, you will quickly start to determine the marketplace where you will buy and sell your inventory of distressed homes. To help you answer these questions, click below to download and complete the… Read More→

Wait – My Phone Will Do What???

Posted on January 4, 2014 by

I have a thing for tools.” ~ Tim Allen

So, here it is: January. You’ve gotten most of the pine needles and tinsel out of the carpet so the dog won’t eat it. Aunt Flora and Uncle Ruben have gone back to Miami. Your kids are back in school. And you? You’ve had a minute or two to breathe and enjoy the satisfaction of a holiday season well spent. Time is precious, isn’t it?

But now, it’s time to get moving again. The warmth of the holidays has become the chill of winter, and with that comes heating bills and college tuition and credit card bills. It’s time to make some serious money.

I realize it’s not easy to get in gear again after the New Year. But if you’re like me, you can’t afford to sit on your laurels for too long. Lost opportunities are very expensive.

That doesn’t mean, though, that you can’t have a little fun while you’re at it. So go get that new smartphone Santa brought you, and let’s get cracking. You know you want to!

There was a time when owning a smartphone was a luxury. Not anymore! It’s probably the most useful single gadget you own. I know people who take a lot of pride in having a very basic cellphone. That’s a valid choice, of course, but now I wonder how I ever got along without this amazing device. Read More→

Stocks, bonds and mutual funds are all well and good – for those seeking ordinary returns. But if you have a particular expertise, or access to a lucrative market for just about any good or service, you have the potential to earn much more by going into business for yourself than you stand to gain by investing in the broad market.

Fortunately, your Self-Directed IRA doesn’t limit you to the mundane investments you read about in the papers all the time. In fact, IRA rules only restrict you from investing in a few things: life insurance, jewelry, gemstones, art and other collectables, alcoholic beverages, and some forms of gold and precious metals of insufficient purity or standardization. Other than that, the sky’s the limit on what you can own!

Owning a Business in Your Self-Directed IRA

By using your Self-Directed IRA to start or acquire a business, you are in control. Rather than hoping against hope the market will be kind to you this year, you can make things happen yourself. Want your business to grow? You can invest in advertising, new equipment, a new truck, more staff – whatever it takes to react to the current economic environment. Many of our clients find that investments like these often pay off far better than anything the same investment reasonably earns in the stock market, at least at an acceptable level of risk. This must be an arm’s length business, you can’t operate the business, and you can’t draw a salary from it. Read More→

Why Do Courts Let Banks Steal Houses?

Posted on January 4, 2014 by

If the courts rule against the banks in the homeowners’ favor, but no news outlets report it, does it really happen? That’s the situation we’re in now. If you’ve been digging deep, you might have seen that the estimate of bank losses from mortgage related lawsuits has increased to $100 BILLION in future payouts. This number includes settlements and judgments as well as legal fees for defending all of the lawsuits. How many stories about this have you heard on the major news outlets? Zero.

Over the last 15 years, the banks concocted a scheme to defraud their investors and borrowers that resulted in over 15 million people being displaced from their homes, and you have not seen a single story detailing the fraud the banks perpetrated and the damage it caused. You would think this is the type of story that would be all over the news, but the media remains silent.

Despite the lack of coverage from the media, the payouts and estimates of future payouts from the banks keep getting bigger. The reason for this is simple. Investors and homeowners are filing valid claims of fraud against the banks and judges and juries keeping awarding bigger and bigger settlements. Read More→

Selling an investment property can be a very challenging process. One of the preliminary considerations in selling the property is what price you should ask. Evaluating the prices of comparable houses in the neighborhood may sometimes solve this problem. However, for those of you connected to REIAComps , the control and feeling of confidence you have over your deals is priceless. Using REIAComps to investigate the prices of houses, which are comparable to your deal, that have recently been sold will provide you a solid value to set the sales price.

Now there are several methods by which you can discover prices of comparable houses in your market area. The first, most costly, but probably reliable method is by hiring a professional home appraiser to conduct an appraisal of the property. Professional appraisers typically evaluate your home and similar homes in the same geographic area and provide you with a report stating the price of your house and comparing its features with other houses that have recently sold in the area. The challenge is these appraised values don’t typically represent the savvy needed for an investor like you. You need not just what a home might sell for, but what you should acquire the dwelling for in the first place. You always want to “make your profit when you buy”. Read More→

I am frequently asked, “If you had it to do over again what would you do differently?” Well, I’d like to answer that question for you. There are several things you can do to help your business grow and several things you can do to kill the dream before it ever has a chance to become a reality. Let’s talk about the “ten deadly mistakes” that can kill your dream.

  1. Listening to people who make less money than you do. There are a lot of folks out there who don’t understand this business at all, yet they will want to give you advice faster than anyone else. They basically want to keep you where they are, which is broke. Surround yourself with people who can guide you in a positive way and a forward direction. Get involved with your local real estate club or a mentoring program like Ron LeGrand provides for you. Read all you can on the subject of Real Estate Investing and educate yourself to move forward with your business. Don’t let a “naysayer” kill your dream. Read More→

The Objective is a Written Offer

Posted on January 4, 2014 by

A common mistake made by real estate investors is to forget why they knock on the seller’s door. By “forget,” I don’t mean the seller answers the door and the investor stands there with a stupid, lost look on his face. I mean the investor doesn’t understand the basic objective of why he’s there.

Do you know the ultimate objective of meeting with sellers? I mean, why are you there? What’s the purpose? Is it to be given a tour of the seller’s house?

Recently, I was working with a couple of investors. By “working,” I mean I was watching and critiquing – the investors had the lead and were responsible for what happened in the house. We went in the first seller’s house and got the grand tour. In the end, the investors told the seller they’d get back with him, then left. Same thing happened in the second seller’s house.

One of the hardest things about teaching is for the teacher to keep his mouth shut. Oh, do I ever have a problem with this! Not immediately correcting someone when they’re doing something wrong practically makes my eyes bleed.

Before going in the third seller’s house, I asked the investors, “When y’all are all done talking to the seller and are ready to leave, will you please ask if I have anything else to add?” Read More→

Master Lease Options 101

Posted on January 4, 2014 by

Lease options have made a big comeback in today’s market. They are great ways to take control of real estate without using banks or lenders. They are also a great way to fix up a distressed asset that a bank won’t lend on. Once you have the property up and running, you can then sell for quick cash or refinance for a long term hold.

A master lease option is a set of two contracts that give us the right to control the operations and the sale of a property. The term “master” is typically given when you are doing this in multifamily and is just a lease option when doing single family deals. The master lease gives us the right to “rent” an entire property with the right to sublet the units. By implementing the master lease we can effectively take control of the property and all of its operations. We can also control the cash flow!

The master lease side of the agreement is what will allow you to fix any problems the deal may have before you sell it or refinance with a lender. You essentially become the new owner without having to actually purchase the property. This will allow you to hire new management to take control of the deal and to implement your plan of action. Read More→

Many of my students repeatedly ask me, “Do I need both the Wife and the ex-Husband’s financial documents when negotiating a short sale?” I let them know that there are several variables that I need in order to give them an answer. In order to have a clear understanding of whose financials I need to collect, I need the following information: Property Appraiser sheet (whose name is listed as owner?), a copy of the last recorded Deed (whose name is on there?), a copy of the Property Settlement and Judgment of Divorce (who was awarded the property and does it contain verbiage stating that a certified copy of the Judgment of Divorce and/or Property Settlement can be recorded in lieu of a Quit Claim Deed).

FOR EXAMPLE: Husband and Wife bought the house together with a Mortgage and Note from Wells Fargo. They then get a divorce and the Wife is awarded the house with no interest from the ex-Husband.

When Sellers get a divorce, typically one party will say they want the house and that person will be solely responsible for the debt on the house. A good attorney will ensure that there is specific verbiage in the Judgment of Divorce and/or Property Settlement which states that the Wife is going to be responsible for the debt on the home and that the ex-Husband will Quit Claim his interest by Deed over to the Wife so that he is no longer on the property. In addition, a good attorney will add verbiage in the Judgment of Divorce and/or Property Settlement which states that should the Husband not sign a Quit Claim Deed to transfer the property over to the Wife, then a certified copy of this Document (Judgment of Divorce and/or Property Settlement) may be filed with the Recorder’s Department in lieu of (instead of) a Quit Claim Deed to transfer the property. Read More→

Not too long ago, I wrote a sweet 3-part article on how to fill your pipeline full of leads & deals. I hope by now that you’re using that advice to get lots of leads coming in that you can work with. If not, then go back & read it again!

And now that you (hopefully) have leads coming in, it’s time to introduce you to a new technique to make money. I’m going to try to keep this brief, because this technique is very simple, and we don’t want to complicate it. Don’t do like I did in the beginning & over-think this.

It works & it works well – IF you simply take action & DO it!

Here’s The Problem: As you begin to market for sellers of houses (motivated or not), you’re going to come across a lot of various stories, situations, and circumstances. Sometimes, you might find that you’re not able to buy the seller’s house or do business with them. There are a lot of reasons why this is possible. Read More→

Often I have investors ask me what entity should hold their personal residences. Many want to use at least the land trust or Family Limited Partnership. But by using any of these, you could be losing tax and financial benefits. So, how do you protect it?

Your personal residence is protected by being mortgaged 100%. Don’t worry, I am not suggesting that you have loans out totaling the full value of your residence, but have a home equity line up to 90-100% of the value. If you get the line from a first tier lender, the mortgage document at the court house will typically not specify that it is an equity line. It will appear that that amount is a loan on the property. Of course, you don’t have to draw on the line if you don’t want or need to, but having it available will provide you financial comfort as well.

Why not move the personal residence into an entity? Well, there are three reasons: Read More→

Owners of vacant houses can be hard to find, so I am about to give you some insider tips so you can hunt these elusive owners

Once upon a time, I found a boarded up house and wanted to find the owner. Given my experience, I knew that trying to find the owner through tax records might get me an address, but mailing anything to that address would be a waste of my hard earned 42 cents. I needed to find another way to hunt this owner. So I started thinking like a bill collector. I did research on the bill collector site to learn how they locate people and get their money from people who “skipped.”

Here is what I have found: most investors are lazy. If they send the postcard to the address on file and get the card back, they have run out of creative ideas and move on. I have learned, though, that diligence pays off. One more step, the one that the lazy investor doesn’t take, will be the one most likely to get you results.

Great News! Once you find the owners, they are very easy to negotiate with because you are solving a huge problem for them. They won’t go out and find other investors at a higher price. They will wonder how YOU found them. Read More→

Happy New Year!! You may be reading this in early January even though I am writing this in December so I figured I’d throw that out. Hope you had a great Christmas season as well. It’s always my favorite time of the year. Our December one year ago I think was still our best month Wholesaling. We did 12 deals – which was insane. Don’t let up in the holiday season – it can be a good time to get deals.

So this month I want to talk about Focus. Real Estate investing in general has got to be the most distracting business out there. I’ve never been in a business where you can be going in 10 different directions. Using 10 different exit strategies and 10 different marketing techniques. I am/was one of those people. I thought I could be a “wholesaler/lease option/seller finance/subject to/fix and flip/short sale/REO/vacant land/note trader” Real Estate Investor. Now I still think I “can” be this, it will take time. I think there are some bad asses out there that are this Investor, but they are 10-20 years into the business. Don’t try to be an expert in 10 different types of deals right out of the gate. Perfect one – which means you are consistently making money from it – THEN move on to the next strategy. Then have 2 strategies going for a while until both are making money – THEN add a 3rd. And so on. Read More→

A few weeks ago I attended a weekend training put on by, who I believe is the most creative and knowledgeable real estate investor and teacher in this country. The training was put on by Peter Fortunato. Peter spent two days with his class explaining how dozens and dozens of deals he had helped structure without the need for institutional financing or credit. It truly amazed me how he never completed any of the deals he spoke about in the same way twice. Each and every one of the deals was structured in a way to achieve a specific objective. In other words, each deal was structured to come up with exactly what his or the seller’s goal was at that time.

Some deals were designed to minimize taxes, some were designed to maximize cash-flow, while others were designed to overcome some type of problem the sellers were facing and thought they had no solution to their problem until they talked to Peter. Peter, who is considered the master of “Doing Things on Purpose” would create deal structures that solved the problem at hand. His work has amazed me for years and when I take one of his classes I become even more amazed how anyone could create the deal structures he does. Read More→

Sat & Sun, January 4th & 5th in Orlando, FL
David Lindahl Presents…
Orlando 2 Day Wealth Building Event
Attend at No Charge & Get 2 Awesome Bonuses!
Yes, You Can Bring a Friend or Share This Link With Them!

David LindahlWe are very excited to announce that Dave Lindahl is hosting a 2 Day Wealth Building Event in Orlando on January 4th & 5th to kick off the New Year and has invited our members, friends and followers to attend at NO CHARGE. Dave even has several BONUSES for those of you who register and attend! This event is full of new information showing you how to take advantage of the opportunities in today’s Florida real estate market.

Register for the Live 2-day event in Orlando, FL so you can learn…

  • How to quickly put $10,000-$30,000 in your pocket to start getting your financial life in order!
  • How to use little known techniques to get motivated sellers calling you!
  • How to analyze a deal and lock in your profits when you buy!
  • How to fund your deals without using a penny of your own money!
  • How to use Market Cycles to force appreciation, increase your cash flow and ultimately have you investing safely in all 4 phases of a market cycle!
  • How to create a buyers list so you can flip properties quickly in today’s market!
  • How to cherry pick certain properties for long-term cash flow and appreciation!
  • And much, much more!!! Click here to learn more about the event!

2 Day Wealth Building Event in Orlando, FL on Jan 4 & 5, 2014

27 Ways to Buy Properties with No Money Down by Dave LindahlThis is a great way to start 2014! And if you Register Now you can immediately download Dave’s new report on “27 Ways to Buy Properties with No Money Down” and get his Wealth Kit (Valued at $704) when you attend the event. Register Now to take advantage of these complimentary bonuses while they are available.

Thurs, January 9th at 6:00 PM @ Doubletree Suites Tampa Bay
Tampa REIA – January 9th
with Ron LeGrand on
Quick Turning Real Estate for Fast Cash
at the Doubletree Suites Tampa Bay

Tampa REIA Members Can Attend at No Charge & Guests for $10.
RSVP Online Now to Get Ron’s FREE Bonuses Below.

Ron LeGrandTampa REIA is very excited to announce that real estate investing legend and millionaire maker, Ron LeGrand, will be speaking at our Tampa REIA Main Meeting on Thursday, January 9th at the at the Doubletree Suites Tampa Bay located at 3050 North Rocky Point Dr West in Tampa, FL which starts at 6:00 PM. Ron has bought and sold over 2500 houses and helped create more millionaire real estate investors than anyone else on the planet and you can be one of them!

Come spend the evening with Ron where he will teach you how to “Quick Turn Real Estate for Fast Cash” and become a “transaction engineer” so you can kick start the New Year and make 2014 your most profitable year ever! You will learn about…

  • Making Big Money With No Money Or Credit – Ron will show you where the big money is in real estate and how you can get it with NO money, credit or risk on your part.
  • Making Huge Profits On Over Leveraged Houses – Ron will show you how to control houses without ownership and make a minimum of $5,000 per house 3 to 4 times a month.
  • Getting Rich In Your IRA Tax Free – Ron will teach you how to use real estate to grow your IRA to a MILLION DOLLARS in less than five years without you ever personally contributing another dime.
  • Where To Find The Best Deals Even With Hot Competition – Ron will show you the best tool he’s ever used to absolutely ensure you never struggle to find deals and it only costs pennies to implement.
  • Where To Get The Money To Buy Bank-Owned Deals– Since banks require cash to purchase their properties, Ron will show you where to get the cash to buy bank-owned homes that won’t come from other banks or require credit or qualification.
  • Purchasing a Beautiful New Home for Your Family – Ron will show you how you can purchase a new home for your family in the next 45 days and never fill out an application, apply for a loan, or put up a down payment.

RSVP for the Meeting to Get Your Gift from Ron!

ATTENTION Members & Guests: If you RSVP to attend the meeting right now, Ron has a special gift for you… his book on “How To Be A Quick Turn Real Estate Millionnaire In A Bad Economy” so you can make fast cash with no money, credit or previous experience. He is also throwing in his new audio CD called “How To Make A Fortune In Foreclosures In A Slow Real Estate Market.” This book and CD will reveal how you can make a boatload of cold hard cash in today’s troubled Real Estate market.

Register Now!

PLEASE NOTE: Tampa REIA Members can attend the meeting on January 9th for FREE. Guests can attend for $10. RSVP Now to secure your FREE Book & CD.

*Meeting Agenda
6:00 pm: Meet, Greet & Networking
6:30 pm: Announcements, Introductions, Haves & Wants
7:30 pm: “Quick Turning Real Estate for Fast Cash” with Ron LeGrand
9:30 pm: Late Night Networking at Whiskey Joe’s Bar & Grill

*Please Note: Meeting agenda is subject to change.

Late Night Networking at Whiskey Joe’s Bar & Grill

Whiskey Joe's Bar & Grill Tampa FloridaAfter the conclusion of the Tampa REIA Main Meeting (around 9:30PM), we will be reconvening at Whiskey Joe’s Bar & Grill located at 7720 West Courtney Campbell Causeway in Tampa for the “Meeting after the Meeting”. Come eat, drink, network and have fun with us as hang out late into the night on Tampa Bay!

See Tampa REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Sat, Jan 11th at 8:30 AM @ Doubletree Suites, Tampa, FL
The Fast Track To Wealth
A Full Day Seminar with Ron LeGrand
Saturday, January 11th from 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Doubletree Suites, 3050 North Rocky Point Dr West in Tampa, FL

Ron LeGrandTampa REIA is very excited to announce that Ron LeGrand will be teaching his all-day Fast Track to Wealth Seminar in Tampa on Saturday, January 11th at 8:30AM at the Doubletree Suites Tampa Bay located at 3050 North Rocky Point Dr West in Tampa, FL for a full days’ worth of serious money making strategies for real estate investors.

At this All-Day Seminar, Ron will pick up where he left off at our Main Meeting on Thursday and go into much greater detail on the important topics he covered at the meeting. Here’s a partial list of topics he will cover at the Fast Track to Wealth Seminar…

  • Session I.   Making Big Money With No Money Or Credit
  • Session II.   How To Make $5,000 Per House On Over-Leveraged Houses And Never Own Them And Do 4 A Month Part Time. Please Note: When you register for this event, you will be able to download a copy of Ron’s “Property Information Sheet”. Take this lead sheet, call a few sellers and get a few of these completed lead sheets to class and Ron will analyze the deals with you and try to help you close some deals in class. Ron will be giving out “I Buy Houses” T-Shirts to everyone who brings in some fully completed lead sheets!
  • Session III.   Getting Rich In Your IRA Tax Free
  • Session IV.   Where To Find The Best Deals Even With Hot Competition
  • Session V.   Handling A Personal Financial Crisis

Ron will cover all this and much more! For much more detail on what Ron will teach you at the event, click here to…

Read a Special Message from Ron LeGrand
About This Upcoming Event

Register Now and come spend a full day with Ron and learn how you can make 2014 your most profitable year ever! When you register, you will be able to download Ron’s “Lead/Property Information Sheet”.

Register Now!

Click here for More Detailed Information About the Event!

From the desk of Ron LeGrand…

A Day With The Master
To Discuss America’s Perfect
Home-Based Business

This Recession Won’t Last, And When It Goes,
So Will The Best Chance In Your Lifetime For An Average Person To Get Rich In Florida Real Estate

If you’re not making obscene amounts of money in real estate right now, you’re missing the best opportunity of your lifetime to get rich. This recession has opened doors for both beginning and seasoned investors, the likes of which I haven’t seen in my 30 years, and I hate to think most people will sleep right through it… and it does not require money, credit, experience or a license to get started.

Why Is This Important To You?

It’s simple! If you don’t take action now and get on the bandwagon, the greatest opportunity to create wealth on The Fast Track may pass you by before you even know what happened.

Ron LeGrandMy name is Ron LeGrand and I’ve set aside a full day on Saturday, January 11th from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm to share these secrets with you. You’re invited to attend if you truly want to make this year your best year ever and let this recession make you rich. I call this all-day seminar The Fast Track To Wealth and the title says it all. Click here to Register Now!

But Who Am I, And
Why Should You Listen To Me?

I am the world’s leading expert in quick turning residential real estate and Dustin invited me to spend the day sharing how I make millionaires.

Over the past 30 years, I have bought and sold over 2,500 single-family homes, and still do 6-12 every month now on auto pilot with less than 2 hours a week of my time.

I tell it like it is, and those who follow my system make a lot of money, some become millionaires. I show people the real business of buying and selling real estate with little or no money or credit and how to build a fortune quickly with my time-tested, proven and trademarked techniques.

Here’s A List Of The Sessions Covered
At My All-Day Fast Track To Wealth Seminar

Session I.  Making Big Money With No Money Or Credit
  • Where the fastest and easiest money is in real estate and how you can get it with NO money, credit or risk on your part. You’ll see how some of my clients and I make consistent paydays of $25,000 or more on each deal and how fast you can quickly duplicate it.
  • The 5 steps to success in real estate, or any business, and why one missed step will crush your empire.
  • Why the easiest money is made on houses in excellent condition in beautiful neighborhoods, contrary to conventional wisdom.

The whole focus is built around the one thing that can make you a millionaire but took so long to learn…

“The Less I Do, The More I Make.”®

You’ll see why it’s not about how hard you work but what you work on. The country is full of hardworking, good people who are broke. Good intentions – lousy results.

  • The two fastest ways to pick up a big check ($10,000 or more) within 30 days after the workshop. This has become common with my students. You’ll see real examples.
  • How you can work yourself out of your job and into a real life within a few months. This isn’t a joke!I’ve done it for a few thousand folks already, and don’t see why you’re any different. If you want your life back, come spend a day at this event.
  • How thousands of my students are getting FREE houses in gorgeous neighborhoods with one key phrase I’ve taught them, and how you can too. In fact, this will probably be your chosen method of buying houses when you are exposed to these secrets. No, I don’t mean the houses are free and clear. They all come with a mortgage, but they don’t require you to assume or qualify for anything, and most won’t cost you a dime. Yes, it is true, legal, ethical, very real and actually very common. This technique alone can and will make you wealthy if you use it.

Incidentally, all techniques are taught using real case studies from real students on real houses, many in YOUR area. You’ll see undisputable evidence that everything I’ve said is true.

More Cool Stuff You’ll Learn…

  • How to buy a million dollars’ worth of real estate without coming out of pocket with one red cent or ever applying for a loan of any kind.
  • How to build a passive income that comes in every month even if you don’t feel like working, or, in fact, even if you are dead. And I’m not talking about rental properties or being a landlord.
  • How you can own a beautiful home for your family within 45 days and never fill out an application, apply for a loan or put up a down payment. Your credit is irrelevant because you won’t be using it.

It’s New! It’s Hot! It’s Very Profitable!
– ACTS –

Session II.  How To Make $5,000 Per House On Over-Leveraged Houses And Never Own Them And… Do 4 A Month Part Time!

Now we have a simple program called ACTS that’s almost instantly doubling the revenue of my students and my own house business. It’s an amazing, instant exit for sellers who are over financed and upside down as well as free and clear houses and those with a mortgage with equity, and it’s a huge public service for all those millions of buyers who can’t qualify for a loan.

  • You will never own the home.
  • You have no cost.
  • You can do three or four a month and make a minimum of $5,000 on each, and my friend, that’s not an exaggeration… if anything, an understatement. (We’re doing 2 a week here in Jacksonville). Last week we collected a $32,000 and a $30,000 paycheck on two houses we’ll never own…both within 30 days.

When you see ACTS, you won’t sleep for three days when you see how quickly you can get a check with no loans, no banks, no repairs, no credit, no delays and very little work.

This Is All New, And You Better Learn It Before Your Competition Does!

Session III.  Getting Rich In Your IRA Tax Free

You’ll see how to use real estate to grow your IRA to a MILLION DOLLARS in less than five years without you ever personally contributing another dime.

My friend, this very special session alone is worth many times your investment in time to get here. Every word I just said is absolutely true. Did you know your IRA can buy houses just like you can? Once you learn to do it without money, you simply make your IRA the buyer instead of you so all profits go into your IRA…TAX FREE. Your CPA and attorney can’t teach you this because they don’t know about it. Why? Because they don’t understand real estate investing Ron’s way. Trust me when I tell you it will be a long night after hearing about this. You won’t sleep a wink when you hear how you can put your children and grandchildren through college – absolutely FREE.

This simple secret is making TAX-FREE millionaires out of my students all over America. Won’t you join us?

Real estate combined with your IRA is the key that unlocks the vault. You see, it has nothing to do with your annual contribution or how much money is in your IRA. That’s not the issue. YOU can open a self-directed IRA with the right company and $500, and grow it into a million if you never make another contribution. I know that’s new to you, and you may have a lot of questions. That’s why part of this live seminar is dedicated to it. When you’re done, you’ll know more than your CPA about growing wealthy through your IRA. I promise you it’s all true.

Session IV.  Where To Find The Best Deals Even With Hot Competition

You’ll get the best tool I’ve ever used to absolutely ensure you never hurt for deals, regardless of where you live, and it costs pennies to implement. You could be in the middle of a hundred competitors and use this technique to find deals they’d never find, even if they were using the same technique.

But Here’s The Reality…

Session V.  Handling A Personal Financial Crisis

These are tough times that require out-of-the-box thinking, and sometimes that’s not easy when your cash flow is suffering.

This session will cover what to do if you’re over leveraged in real estate, creditors are knocking down your door and the joy of being alive has vanished…why life doesn’t end when you lose your credit and what to do if it’s getting you down and how to get it back quickly.

You’ll take part in a frank discussion of your options and how to not only survive these times but come out on the other side of them stronger and able to handle anything thrown at you.

I’ll Screen Your Deals And Show You Exactly What To Do When You Leave To Get A $5,000 – $10,000
Check From Leads You Bring To Class.

Click here to Download a FREE “Lead/Property Information Sheet” to collect information from FSBOs (For Sale By Owner) and bring to class. Call some sellers and complete the form as best you can. During the class, I’ll show you exactly how to fill out the form, where to find the FSBOs and prepare you with the right prospects to turn into checks within 30 days.

We’ll have a live session where I go through some of your leads and I’ll examine all of them during lunch while you’re eating and pick out the deals from the duds.

When’s The Last Time You Attended A Seminar And Got Paid $5,000 For Going?

This exercise is priceless to you and will clearly demonstrate how easy it is to prescreen these leads and turn them into cash, so be sure to bring your leads!

Once I Show You What To Do Using Live Deals…
A Virtual Assistant Can Do It For You
After the Seminar… And We’ll Provide The VA!

My whole focus will be on running a very profitable house business with you doing as little work as possible and letting technology and VAs do the rest. That’s the only way you’ll ever join my growing list of 7 figure earners. Automate! Automate!

Here’s What You’ll Receive At The Event

Ron LeGrandMy new book “How To Be A Quick Turn Real Estate Millionaire In A Bad Economy”. I’ll Autograph it for you there.

More FREE Gifts

You’ll also Get…

“How To Take Title And Protect Your Privacy” CD – We get a lot of questions about land trusts, what to do, what not to do, where do they work, why use them, etc. They’re all answered in this CD in great detail.


Over $5,000 In Prize Drawings
That’s right, I’ll give away over $5,000 in goodies in a random drawing.

OK Ron, How Much?

Thanks to Tampa REIA, your cost is ridiculously low. If you join Tampa REIA as a new member or renew your existing Tampa REIA membership for another year, you and a qualified guest can attend for FREE. It doesn’t get any better than that!

Just Do It & Register Now!!!

Register Now!

To Your Quantum Leap,

Ron LeGrand — Millionaire Maker

P.S. What is ACTS?

It’s a new day and a new time. Real estate investing is a different game now and requires new techniques to stay in it. One such new technique combined with an old technique has changed our industry as we know it…and opened new doors for people to enter the business and start profiting quickly…And Never Buy A House.

No, it’s not wholesaling nor anything else you know. It does involve you being the middle man, but not on bank-owned or all cash houses, nor does it involve Realtors®, private lenders, raising cash, qualifying buyers, cleaning credit, short sales or any other costly entanglement.

You’re in and out in a few days with no closing costs to you.

You don’t need the banks’ permission, can’t trigger the “due on sale” clause, and even attorneys will accept the technique…and it works best on beautiful houses in lovely neighborhoods from the median price on up to million dollar homes. All with no risk to you.

Now a new twist to an old technique has turned them into a whole new, sought-after business model.

Not only is it easy to quickly profit from these deals, you can do several a month and never buy a house, put up a dime or take risks and make $5,000 – $10,000 and a lot more on each deal. Our minimum is $10,000

The Technique Is Simple!

Find sellers who need to get out, some leveraged, some not, and create some easy terms to pass on to a non-qualified credit buyer. Usually it’s a lease option to buy with rights to assign, but sometimes it can be owner financing.

Instead of buying or leasing yourself, you simply assign the contract with seller’s consent and full approval of a new buyer and let them lease the house for years until they qualify for a loan.

Yes, it’s legal, and no, you don’t need a license if done correctly.

It even works well with sellers over-leveraged, but don’t assume it’s only for over-leveraged houses. Actually about 40% of the ACTS deals we do are free and clear. Yes, I know this will take some getting used to; and your questions are mounting, but they’re answered at this seminar.

There are some tricks and traps, and it won’t work on all prospects, but believe me, it will change your business. It certainly changed ours. About 80% of all the deals we do are ACTS.

Come see how it’s done!

P.P.S. I’ll also update you on the new Dodd-Frank law taking effect on January 10, 2014. This is a deadly law if you make the mistake of thinking it doesn’t apply to you.

Register Now!!!