Tampa Real Estate Investors Alliance Blog

Today, I’m going to combine marketing & technology to share an extremely powerful tool that you can use for a TON of different uses in your home or office – all for absolutely FREE!

As anyone in marketing knows, the PHONE is one of the strongest weapons you need to use. Making calls, taking calls, and sending or receiving text messages or even broadcasting voice blasts are all things we need to do to reach and serve our customers.

If you’re buying houses, you need a phone number to use in your marketing to get your motivated seller prospects to contact you. If you’re selling houses, you should have a separate phone number for that. If you’re offering any other type of services, such as consulting, etc., guess what? You should use another number for that!

The trouble is, getting all these phone numbers & systems can add up to be substantial sum, and can add to your overhead expenses very quickly.

So what can you do? Well, the major phone companies don’t want you to know about your options, because they want your money – as much of it as they can squeeze out of you! That’s why companies like Vonage & MagicJack have gained so much popularity recently – because they essentially give you the same services for a much cheaper price. Read More→

So how are we going to get ready to have a conversation with our motivated sellers? I believe that readiness is a state of mind, and I have put together some ideas for you designed to help you have meaningful and successful conversations with motivated sellers resulting in profitable deals.

First of all, expect to be anxious and know that it’s okay to be anxious. You probably wouldn’t be very good at what you do if you didn’t care about the outcome.

Next, while you are feeling anxious, get in front of a mirror and practice what you are going to say to the seller. Do this more than once. The more you practice what you are going to say, the more comfortable you will be and therefore less likely to forget what you were going to say. Practice controlling your voice and be mindful of how fast you are talking. Your speech should be at a moderate volume and speed when speaking to a seller.

Remember to breathe! Practice what you are going to say all the way through without making faces, gasping or throwing out any expletives. Your seller doesn’t care if you’re speech is perfect, they just want to know what you can do for them to help them solve their problem. You might even want to practice what you are going to say in front of a spouse or close friend. Read More→

Combining a self-directed IRA and real estate is a trend that is picking up speed fast! Real estate investors are redirecting their focus and purchasing homes with their self-directed IRAs in mass. Partly because they refuse to settle for living on the measly average $1,230 per month social security check that many retirees are forced to budget with.

Large companies are cutting back on their employees’ hours in preparation for the Obama Care regulations and this change is causing people to rethink their futures prompting them to obtain both a self-directed IRA and real estate investments. With their salaries shrinking, they are looking for alternative revenue streams to build their retirement accounts.

So why is real estate picking up steam? Many people have lost their homes to foreclosure, others can’t get financing due to the new bank regulations, and some people simply do not have enough confidence in the real estate market to buy a home so they are looking for rental properties to live in. For these reasons, the demand for rental properties is at an all-time high and real estate prices, while slightly on the rise, are still low enough to make this an investors’ market. Large cities listed in the top 10 fastest-growing U.S. cities of 2013 are among the most sought after in the rental market. There are droves of residential properties on the market at great prices and investors are buying them up quickly. Read More→


There are numerous possibilities for the name given to a trust. Such names are often chosen to reflect the primary function of the trust: Education Trust; Wealth Replacement Trust; Charitable Remainder Trust; Spendthrift Dynasty Trust, etc.

Since names are assigned to trusts the public can get the wrong impression. It is often assumed that a named trust is like any other consumer good, such as the name ‘car’ or ‘truck’. A person wants to buy, say, a car but not a truck. They want a Spendthrift, but not an Education Trust. Actually all trusts are just trusts. The primary thing that differentiates them are clauses written into the trusts. For example, a single clause will turn an education trust into a spendthrift education trust.

The point is not to let names become confusing. The fundamentals of trusts are simple to comprehend. First, all trusts are either inter vivos or Testamentary. Inter vivos trusts are set up while the grantor is alive and are often referred to as a ‘living trust’. The testamentary trust, on the other hand, is set up after the person’s death by authority written in the deceased’s will. All trusts will be either an inter vivos or a testamentary trust. Read More→

Putting It All together – Bento 4

Posted on August 6, 2013 by

“To say that I am organized is an understatement, but my car tells a different story.”
~ Emily Procter

I love summertime, don’t you? So many memories in the making! Barbecues with the family. Long, lazy evenings by the pool. Ball games and beer. Mowing the lawn. Mowing the lawn again. And mowing the lawn again…. And when, oh when, are those kids ever going to sleep? Man, it’s hot! I’m going inside.

I love air conditioning, don’t you?

When you’ve had enough of the summer heat, maybe it’s time to pay some attention to your office. You do have an office, right? And no, a pile of paper on the kitchen table doesn’t count as an office. You need some dedicated space. It could be just a corner of a room but it needs to be set aside just for business. It needs to be pleasant, quiet, and comfortable.

You may not want to spend the time, but it really is important for you to organize all the files and “stuff” you’ll have around you. If you’re not organized, things fall through the cracks. Deadlines get missed. Money evaporates. I’m speaking from experience here. There was a time when my home office looked like the aftermath of a hurricane. Stuff was everywhere. That’s when I knew I had to get organized!

Now, it’s your turn. Your home office doesn’t have to be expensive. It does need to be reasonably efficient, though, so setting it up deserves some quality time and attention. Read More→

Tampa REIA Meeting on August 8, 2013

Posted on August 5, 2013 by
Thurs, August 8th @ 6:00 PM – Doubletree Suites Tampa Bay
Join us at Tampa REIA on Aug 8th for 2 Presentations on…
“The Truth About Automation”
with Dustin Griffin &
“Buying Houses with No Cash or Credit”
with Larry Harbolt
Members can attend at NO CHARGE and Guests for Only $10 at the Door.

Come join us at Tampa REIA on Thursday, August 8th at 6:00 PM at the Doubletree Suites Tampa Bay located at 3050 North Rocky Point Dr West in Tampa, FL we will be having 2 educational presentations…

Dustin GriffinTampa REIA Executive Director, Dustin Griffin, will be sharing the truth about how to automate your real estate investing business and knowing the difference between being under automated and over automated. Dustin will be discussing:

  • Websites
  • Investor Databases
  • Voice Mail Systems
  • Delegation
  • Live Operators
  • Virtual Assistants
  • Offline Marketing
  • Online Marketing

Larry HarboltCome out and join us and you will also hear local favorite, Larry Harbolt, share his insight and years of expertise on Buying Houses Fast with No Cash or Credit! Larry has been successful creatively buying and selling real estate for over 30 years and has written numerous popular articles and real estate courses. Here is some of what Larry will cover:

  • How to Buy Real Estate Even if You are Bankrupt
  • How You and the Seller Can Set the Rules, Not The Bank
  • How to Turn a Seller Financing into a Wholesale Flip Deal
  • How to Do More Deals With Less Money
  • How to Get Creative and Make More Profit Per Deal
  • How to Get Fast Cash or Long Term Cash Flow Out of Your Deals
  • How to Create Huge Profits Without Taking Title to Properties
  • How to Negotiate Better Terms to Create Bigger Profits Per Deal
  • How to Walk the Note & Mortgage to Purchase a Property Free & Clear
  • And Much More on Creative Seller Financing

Click to view Cruise VideoWIN A CRUISE: All participants who attend the Tampa REIA Meeting will entered into a drawing for a chance to win a *Complimentary 2 Day Cruise to the Bahamas with Caribbean Cruise Line! *You must be present at the meeting to win. The 2 day Cruise does not include port fees, transportation and taxes.

Late Night Networking at Whiskey Joe’s Bar & Grill

Whiskey Joe's Bar & Grill Tampa FloridaAfter the conclusion of the Tampa REIA Main Meeting (around 9:30PM), we will be reconvening at Whiskey Joe’s Bar & Grill located at 7720 West Courtney Campbell Causeway in Tampa for the “Meeting after the Meeting”. Come eat, drink, network and have fun with us as hang out late into the night on Tampa Bay!

See Tampa REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Sat, August 10th @ 8:30 AM in Tampa, FL
101 Plus Ways to Generate
Motivated Buyer & Seller Leads

A Full Day Workshop with Dustin Griffin on August 10th
From 8:30AM – 5PM in Tampa, FL

Dustin GriffinJoin us in Tampa on Saturday, August 10th at 8:30 AM at the Doubletree Suites located at 3050 N Rocky Point Drive West in Tampa, FL for to learn “101 Plus Ways to Generate Buyer & Seller Leads” for your real estate investing business.

Dustin Griffin is going to teach you many of the 800 Pound Guerilla Marketing Strategies and Techniques he and other successful investors use to generate all the buyer and seller leads they can handle on a low budget and how you can too.

He is going to teach you how you can totally dominate your local competition with little effort and a relatively low budget using new and traditional marketing techniques, a little creativity and the power of the Internet.

Be sure to bring a pen and paper to take lots of notes as well as at least 5 to 10 examples of what you are currently doing to market your business to share with the class. The more examples we have to share, the better!

Tampa REIA

Upcoming Workshop Dates
August 10, 2013 – Tampa, FL
August 17, 2013 – Orlando, FL
August 31, 2013 – Atlanta, GA

Atlanta REIA
Register Now!

*PLEASE NOTE: Attendees of the April Workshop may repeat this event for 1/2 off by using this Special Registration Link. Registrants may bring a spouse, parent or adult child for 1/2 half off during the Early Registration Special. Non-Members who Join Tampa REIA for the first time by August 9th may attend for FREE! Just be sure to let us know that you want to attend this event at no charge after you join. After the Early Registration Special expires, prices will increase and repeat attendees, spouses, parents and adult children will be full price, so Register Now and Save!

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Island REIA
Jamaica – June 2014

“How I wish that somewhere there existed an island for those who are wise and of good will.” ~ Albert Einstein

More info is coming soon. Dustin is headed down to Jamaica in August to check out the all-inclusive resort where we will be staying.

Online Lead Finder SoftwareIt has been less than one week since we last informed you that Duncan updated his famous Online Lead Finder Software. Duncan takes your feedback seriously and is constantly working to improve the software and make it better for active real estate investors like you. Now, as of today, July 17th, he has done it once again with version 2.5.1!

Duncan also wanted us to advise you on some upcoming changes to the Online Lead Finder Software as he continues to add more and more features. In the next, 30 – 45 days, Duncan will be raising the price of the software from $497 to $697. By the end of the year he will raise the price to $997 as he continues to add even more powerful and profitable features. He will also soon be charging an annual maintenance fee for ongoing upgrades upon the completion of Version 3.0.

Despite these forthcoming price and policy changes, there is some very good news. If you are currently and Tampa REIA Gold Member or Become a Gold Member before the upcoming deadline which will either be August 1st or September 1st, you will be grandfathered into the program and continue to receive the unlimited version of the software and all upgrades for FREE as long as you remain an active Tampa REIA Gold Member.

Even if you miss the deadline and become an Tampa REIA Gold Member in the future, you will be able to purchase the unlimited edition of the software for $100 and get a 50% discount on the annual maintenance and upgrade fee. But to be grandfathered in for FREE indefinitely, join Tampa REIA as a Gold Member and maintain your membership each year.

If you are an Tampa REIA Silver Member, the Silver Edition, which is limited to 25 leads per day, will continue to be FREE as will all future upgrades.

If you are an Tampa REIA Member you can download the latest version of software for FREE by Read More→

Sat & Sun, Sept 14th & 15th @ 9:00 AM in Tampa, FL
Peter Fortunato’s
One Step Beyond Class

Sat & Sun, Sept 14th & 15th in Tampa, FL

Peter FortunatoTampa REIA is very excited to announce Peter Fortunato is having his 2 day One Step Beyond Class in Tampa, FL on September 14th and 15th. We are also excited to announce that Peter and Bill Cook will be speaking at our Tampa REIA Main Meeting on Thursday, September 12th about many intermediate and advanced real estate investing strategies similar to those Pete will be teaching at the One Step Beyond Class.

For those of you that don’t know Peter, he is one of the greatest creative real estate investing minds in the country. Peter teaches creative real estate investing ideas, techniques and strategies that are truly unlike all other real estate trainers. What he teaches will allow anyone to quickly build an income stream from real estate assets and allow them to become financially independent by purchasing well selected real estate that will income for many years to come.

Peter has made our Tampa REIA members and friends a very special offer for those who would like to attend his upcoming class at the unbelievable price of $350 per person (regularly $450). All you have to do is fill out the One Step Beyond Class Registration Form and fax it back to Peter at 978-922-6759 or call him at 727-397-1906 to secure your spot. If you call, be sure to mention the special code “TampaREIA > $350” per person found at the bottom right corner of the form to receive your discount.

Peter has generously offered this special price to help those who want to get the real estate investing education they need to be successful. You just can’t beat this great offer! Peter is the “Best of the Best” when it comes to creative real estate investing, so be sure not to miss out on this absolutely life changing opportunity.

If you wish to attend, please fill out the
One Step Beyond Class Registration
and get it back to Peter ASAP!

Peter will present two days of lecture and of discussion, with case studies, regarding why and how to acquire benefits using real estate. Questions and debate are highly encouraged!

Peter clearly and patiently describes cases including: Read More→

Online Lead Finder SoftwareI just wanted to let you know that Duncan Wierman just sent me an updated copy of his Online Lead Finder Software Version. As of today, July 12, 2013 he is up to version 2.4 since he is always working to improve the software and make it better for active real estate investors.

PLEASE NOTE: If you already installed any previous versions of Online Lead Finder, be sure to UNINSTALL it before installing this new version.

If you are an Tampa REIA Member you can download the software for free by logging in to the Tampa REIA Members Only Website and then navigating to the Members Only Downloads & Bonuses page where Duncan’s Online Lead Finder Software is listed 2nd in the list of available member downloads.

If you are a Gold Member, there will be instructions in the ReadMe.txt file in the software download telling you how to activate the Unlimited Gold Edition at NO CHARGE (a $500 value!).

I hope you all enjoy this lead generating software. Duncan, thank you again for this awesome software!

The Profit July 2013 Edition

Posted on July 5, 2013 by
The Profit Newsletter for Tampa REIA July 2013
Download the July 2013 Edition of The Profit Newsletter Now!

The Profit - July 2013 - High Quality PDFThe July 2013 edition of The Profit Newsletter for Tampa REIA is now ready for download as a High Quality PDF or Low Res PDF format. The Profit Newsletter is a digitally delivered, interactive newsletter for real estate investors to read and use with your PC, Mac, Smart Phone, iPad or other mobile ready device. Many of the articles and ads in The Profit contain hyperlinks you can click or tap to visit websites, watch videos, listen to audios, download content, send emails, comment on articles, share socially and much more! And “Yes”, The Profit is “print ready” and prints out beautifully on your black and white or color printer. Be sure to Subscribe to The Profit so you don’t miss a single monthly issue.

High Quality PDF / Low Res PDF

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Beauty in Bandit Signs

Posted on July 5, 2013 by

We’ve all seen them as we pull up to a light or get off the interstate; those temporary signs that line the medians and light poles advertising anything from DJ services to yard work to houses for rent and sale. They are a tacky eyesore and I love them! Some people see gaudy, eye pollution but all I see is dollar signs. Yes, dollar signs. These beautiful bandit signs are one of the best marketing tools in the world and have been many investors’ bread and butter. Now don’t delude yourself, if it were without some hazards, everyone would be using them, so lets get the skinny on bandits, how and why they work and what the drawbacks are.

The how and why is pretty simple. The reason bandit signs work is because they offer a solution to people’s problems in areas where customers might not read the newspaper or have access to the Internet. And while most households have televisions, most investors don’t have additional finances to pay for TV ads (it all goes back into the house). Like all advertising, you need to strike an emotional cord with your customer. As a home investor offering to buy, sell, & rent houses, you already tap into that emotional cord, especially in this desperate economic time. Your sign has the potential to be the answer to the age-old cry for help, “Dear God give me a SIGN”! Read More→

Driving for DollarsOne of our favorite and most cost effective ways to market our home buying business is through the frequent use of flyers. In fact, flyers are one most versatile and low cost forms of advertising we use to generate leads on a regular basis.

Flyers can be used in a variety of formats such as handouts, posters, mini bandit signs, over sized business cards, postcards, free reports, brochures, door hangers, newspaper inserts, tear off flyers, etc.

We like to use full size 8.5” x 11” (or 9” x 12”) or half size 8.5” x 5.5” (or 8” x 6”), double sided, full color, UV coated, card stock flyers for our ongoing marketing efforts. We can get 5000 of these full color, double sided, UV coated, 9” x 12” flyers for $480 or .096 cents each. We can also get 5000 of the same flyers in 8” x 6” size for only $190 or .038 cents each! This can give us a lot of bang for our buck, depending on how we use these flyers.

When it comes to using these flyers, there are many ways to distribute them. Two of our favorite distribution methods are “Driving for Dollars” and “Farming”. Read More→

You’re prepared right?

The first step is one that many real estate investors have already taken care of…drafting a Last Will and Testament. So, you have it all spelled out…you have met with your lawyer and carefully drafted a Will that details who inherits all of your assets right down to your great great grandfather’s pocket watch. While this is an important first step, if you are an active real estate investor, the fact is that you have some additional preparation needed in order to allow your loved ones to continue to maximize the benefits of all your hard earned investments.

The Real Estate Investors Portfolio

Drafting a portfolio is critical when you own multiple real estate holdings and other investments. The portfolio should detail: Read More→

One of the concerns many of my students seem to run into is; once they find the deal, what do they say to the motivated sellers? How should that conversation go? On top of these concerns, many of my students say they are not really comfortable with having a conversation with a stranger, so how do they handle that conversation? How do you get over the “jitters”?

Okay, so you’ve practiced what you are going to say, you have a plan, you have your paperwork, you’ve probably procrastinated a little, then scheduled your appointment with the seller, so now what? You still feel those butterflies in your stomach and you’re still not comfortable with how the conversation with the seller is going to go. What should you say first? How should you make the offer? What if they ask you something you don’t know? What if they accept your offer? What if they don’t? Read More→

Lenders like to argue that when a homeowner gets behind on the mortgage the issues involved in foreclosure are cut-and-dried. The homeowner owes on the mortgage, they have not been able to catch up over many months, so they should pay and/or lose the house. The reality is far less clear-cut. In many cases homeowners do not argue in court that they don’t owe on a mortgage; the real questions are who does the homeowner owe the loan to and does the party bringing a foreclosure action really have standing to file for foreclosure?

An audit ordered by San Francisco assessor, Phil Ting, of about 400 foreclosures was reported in a New York Times article by Gretchen Morgenson showing pervasive irregularities in how mortgages are written and how foreclosure filings are carried out. While the study was specifically of problems with San Francisco area foreclosures, similar findings could be made nationwide. For example, a recent whistleblower report on Wells Fargo exposed the systematic fabrication and alteration of mortgage documents nationwide. Their fraud was so rigorous that they even took loans that were endorsed properly and altered them as well! Read More→

“Compassion brings us to a stop, and for a moment we rise above ourselves.”
~ Mason Cooley

Aunt Tillie is on fire! Not literally, of course. She’s hot into real estate investing. She’s got six rental houses, all occupied, and every tenant is up-to-date on the rent. At least, they were up-to-date until last month. Mr. Farkle’s rent was three weeks late last month and he still hasn’t paid this month. Tillie’s having a hard time deciding whether or not to start eviction proceedings. She knows he’d pay it if he could, but she can’t afford to give him free rent. Is it better to be kindly and poor, or mean and rich? And are those her only choices?

This balancing act – Should I be a sucker, or a scrooge? – is one of the toughest things real estate investors have to walk through, and we have to do it on a regular basis.

I had a disturbing conversation recently that brought this point home for me. A couple I know invests in real estate together. They have about a dozen rental houses, and they do very well. When the economy tanked, though, they found they had to be a little more flexible about collecting rent payments. Read More→

I recently read an article which stated… “If you thought that all you wanted was skyrocketing appreciation on your home or investment property, then one real estate ratings firm is warning you to think again.” At REIAComps.com, along with its Property Valuation Support and Training, you will know the truth for yourself. Let’s continue with that ratings firm… According to a new report from the data analysis firm, recent home price gains may be “too rapid” and contributing to a “market imbalance that could eventually stall or reverse the positive trend.” The firm warns that in some markets an “artificially” constrained supply of homes for sale is keeping prices high even though buyers do not actually have the wherewithal, as a population, to sustain these purchase prices. Also they added that “strong institutional investor demand…is keeping the supply-demand balance…even more pronounced.” Read More→

The Gag Reflex

Posted on July 5, 2013 by

Last month, Kim and I were part of a panel discussion at Dustin Griffin’s Atlanta REIA monthly meeting. The topic was about how we’re structuring our deals in the current real estate market. A lot of time was spent answering questions about hedge funds and how they’re driving up home prices.

Because hedge funds are gobbling up an ungodly number of properties – and are willing to pay at or above a property’s CONSERVATIVE fair market value – many “investors” are no longer able to be high bidders at the foreclosure auction. And because many of these so-called investors know of no other way to buy property, they simply quit showing up – or worse yet, pay WAY too much for a property.

Frankly, Kim and I don’t give hedge funds much thought – other than thinking they’re making one giant mistake that’s gonna bite them in the butt one day soon! Sure, these days we’re rarely the high bidders on the steps, but that doesn’t mean we’re not doing deals. Just the opposite is true! Read More→