Home » Real Estate Investing Webcasts
Real Estate Investing Webcasts
Each month Tampa REIA, in conjunction with Atlanta REIA and Savannah REIA, offers a variety of webinars that you can attend online at NO CHARGE whether you’re currently a member or not. Tampa REIA Members can Watch Our Webcast Replays 24/7 in our Members Only section of our site. Below is a list of upcoming and past Webcast Training Series.
Tampa REIA Webcast Training Updates
Beginning Investors Group Online on Zoom Webinar
Investing in Condos
Your Way To Financial Success
with Linda Baumgarten

Due to a scheduling conflict, Marco Kozlowski filled in for Linda Baumgarten on the Beginning Investors Group Online (BIGO) last night. Linda was supposed to be be teaching us about investing in Condos, Townhouses and Planned Urban Developments (PUDs) but had to reschedule.
Linda will be back with us live and in-person on the same topic at Atlanta REIA and Tampa REIA in January 2025.
On this BIG Webinar Replay, Marco talked about “Infinite Wholetailing” and how to invest once and get paid forever! Watch the Replay Now!
Thurs, April 16th @ 7:30M Online Webinar

COVID-19 Market Update Webinar
Thurs, April 16th at 7:30PM
Please Register at AREIA.us/BEST and join us on Thursday, April 16th @ 7:30PM for this special townhall style panel discussion on the State of the Market During COVID-19 and beyond. We wil be talking about how to make the best of a bad situation if the economy continues to decline for many more months.
Our Panel will consist of Alan Conner of NovaPoint Capital, Amy Ransdell of Powerhoue Real Estate, Todd Burkhalter of Drive Planning, Roger Herring the Investors Accountant, Kenneth Igwe of Baker Collins and David Bradford of Drive Planning. Dustin Griffin will be your moderator.
Our panel will bring wisdom and insight from multiple disciplines to help explain what is happening in the current and post COVID-19 economy and how people and business owners can find ways to survive and even thrive in this challenging time.
As the conversation of the economy bouncing back like a “V” shape is now being replaced by a more realistic appraisal, it is clear that people need to understand how to adapt their playbook to a new game that will take them through not a few weeks but months and months of instability.
What will an extended decline of the economy mean for real estate investors in terms of lending practices and getting access to money? How will the real estate market respond if the economy continues in decline for months to come? What tools and leverage is available from the government and from business law that can allow your business and real estate investments to weather a prolonged storm?
This panel seeks to be a town hall environment where you will learn how to plan for the worst — for a prolonged declined economy, take advantage of the economic stimulus legislation while still hoping for the best.
Finally we will hear on how to create a bulletproof strategy for wealth building that will make you immune to such a challenging time should it ever happen again.
Join us to learn…
- How could people have been better prepared to weather this storm financially?
- What does this crisis teach us about diversification and asset protection?
- What are the big assists that the stimulus legislation offer business owners and real estate investors?
- How can the stimulus create unforeseen opportunities for businesses?
- What can you do to position yourself for the opportunities that will be there when the pandemic is resolved?
- If Wall Street was strong, how did it crash so abruptly?
- Is now the time to be buying or selling?
You haven’t been given a full picture of how to survive a prolonged economic crash. Do not be uninformed. What you learn here can be the difference between surviving and thriving or being crushed by the crash. Register Now to Join Us!
24/7/365 BIG Online Facebook Live Replay
March 28, 2018 BIG Online Facebook Live Replay
With Dustin Griffin & Tangie Cousins
Learn About the Hottest Leads in Today’s Market & How You Could Be Getting Them!
with Tangie Cousins, the Hot Lead Chick
Tangie Cousins, the Hot Lead Chick, was our special guest at the Beginning Investors Group Online that we recorded live on Wednesday, March 28th.
On the webinar replay, Tangie will be teaching us about the “Hottest Leads in Today’s Market” and her Unique Marketing Strategies for targeting these hot leads.
She will be teaching you a lot of different marketing techniques and strategies such as… How to write your letter if you are an Investor verses a Realtor. How often you should mail and how many times. What to say and what not to say in your letter.
- The 5 hottest leads with the most equity
- Consistency in marketing
- How to write your letter
- The Do’s and Don’ts of Marketing
- Reasons why you should invest in today’s market
- Answers to your questions and much more!
Watch the BIGO Webinar Replay 24/7/365 and be sure to register for next month’s Beginning Investors Group Online Webinar at http://bio.co!
BIG Online Webinar Replay – Watch 24/7
BIG Online Webinar Replay
Learn the Quickest, Easiest & Most Affordable Way To Get In Front Of Sellers
Watch the “BIG O” Webinar Replay
with Bill Cook
Here’s the big picture: You must let everyone know who you are and what you do. The goal is to have all the folks in your area call you if they are considering selling their property. Your next task is to separate the folks who WANT to sell from the folks who NEED to sell. And finally, when you find a motivated seller, you must be able to creatively structure a win-win deal, as well as be willing to pull the trigger quickly – ’cause great deals don’t hang around long!
By far, the MOST effective thing we do to accomplish the above goals is knocking on sellers’ doors and asking Pete Fortunato’s famous question: “Why are you selling such a nice house like this?” Nothing, nothing, nothing works better than knocking on sellers’ doors!
I know that, in this day of iPads, websites and high-tech gadgetry, many will disagree with me. That’s fine. But realize that, for the most part, the ones who disagree with me have NEVER gone out knocking on sellers’ doors. Think about it: What’s the point of websites, direct mail campaigns, squeeze pages, dialing for dollars, etc.? Isn’t it to get you face-to-face with a seller?
If you want to learn more about how to get face-time with 8 out of every 10 sellers you meet, be sure to watch this Webinar Replay we recorded live with Bill Cook on May 25, 2016 at the Beginning Investors Group Online where he taught us the “Quickest, Easiest & Most Affordable Way To Get In Front Of Sellers!” Watch the Webinar Replay Now! Read More→
BIG Online Webinar Replay – Watch 24/7
How to Get Started Investing in Real Estate!
with Don DeRosa Recorded April 27, 2016
The Beginning Investors Group Online (The “Big O” or BIGO) is an new online educational group that currently meets on the 4th Wednesday for new investors who are just getting started in real estate investing as well as “new again” real estate investors who’ve taken a few years off and are looking to get back in the game.
We will be bringing in local and national real estate experts to teach new investors how to survive and thrive in our ever changing economy and real estate market. The entire purpose of this group is to help new investors get their first deal and help new again investors get their next deal.
Don DeRosa helped us kick off our first meeting of the Beginning Investors Group Online on Wednesday, April 27th at 7:00PM ET. Don is a full-time, active real estate investor, mentor and trainer who specializes in all types of real estate investing such as wholesaling, creative financing on pretty house deals, rehabbing and retailing, rentals, short sales, foreclosures, new construction, private lending and much, much more. Watch the meeting replay of Don at BIG Online as he teaches you the quickest and easiest way to get started in the real estate investing business with limited time and funds. Watch the Webinar Replay Now! Read More→
Tampa REIA & Atlanta REIA
Webinar Replay
How to Make a Flipping Fortune Wholesaling Crappy Houses
Watch the Webinar Replay
with Don DeRosa
Don DeRosa is a part time real estate investor trainer and mentor and full-time real estate investor who actively buys, sells and holds properties each month for fun, profit and long term cash flow.
The topic of our next webinar is “Wholesaling Houses” which is the business of buying houses in need of major repairs at really low prices and selling them to other “fix and flip” or “buy and hold” investors at wholesale prices. In other words, finding bargains for bargain hunters.
Wholesaling is a great strategy for making quick cash with very low risk and without using any of your own cash, income or credit. Because of this, wholesaling real estate is one of the quickest and easiest ways to get started investing in real estate because anyone can do it with a little training and effort.
If you want to learn more about Wholesaling, watch this Webinar Replay we recorded live with Don DeRosa on April 13th, 2016 where he shared the Wholesaling Strategies you need to succeed and take you step-by-step through the entire wholesale process.
Tampa REIA & Atlanta REIA
Webinar Replay
How to Make a Fortune Buying Pretty Houses with No Money or Credit
Watch the Webinar Replay
with Don DeRosa 24/7
Don DeRosa is a part time real estate investor trainer and mentor and full-time real estate investor who actively buys, sells and holds properties each month for fun, profit and long term cash flow. One of Don’s favorite purchase strategies is to buy houses “Subject-To” the seller’s existing financing on the home instead of having to go to a bank or a hard money lender for funding.
Using this strategy allows Don to buy multiple properties fast, without coming up with all the purchase funds on the front end. This is the perfect purchase strategy for active investors who what to buy, sell and hold pretty houses without having to use their own cash or credit.
Watch this Webinar Replay we recorded live with Don DeRosa on April 6th, 2016 where he shared many of his subject-to strategies, tools and techniques he uses every day to create winning deals for himself as well as his buyers and sellers.
Wed, April 6th @ 7PM on GoToWebinar.com
Webinar Wednesday April 6th, 2016 at 7PM ET on GoToWebinar How to Make a Fortune Buying Pretty Houses with No Money or Credit A Live Webinar with Don DeRosaRegister @ Webinar1.AtlantaREIA.com
Don DeRosa is a part time real estate investor trainer and mentor and full-time real estate investor who actively buys, sells and holds properties each month for fun, profit and long term cash flow. One of Don’s favorite purchase strategies is to buy houses “Subject-To” the seller’s existing financing on the home instead of having to go to a bank or a hard money lender for funding.
Using this strategy allows Don to buy multiple properties fast, without coming up with all the purchase funds on the front end. This is the perfect purchase strategy for active investors who what to buy, sell and hold pretty houses without having to use their own cash or credit.
Join us on Wednesday, April 6th at 7:00 PM ET for a Training Webinar where Don will share with you, many of the subject-to strategies, tools and techniques he uses every day to create winning deals for himself as well as his buyers and sellers.

Don will walk you through real world, actual deals, step-by-step to demonstrate how to apply and use the “subject-to” technique and other related strategies. Don will show you exactly how to evaluate your leads, determine your exit strategy, structure the deal, negotiate with the seller and get the paperwork done almost instantly and without any of the hard work you’d normally do to get your deals done.
By the end of the webinar, you’ll know…
- How to recognize a “Subject To” opportunity and buy with little or no money!
- How to evaluate any lead and decide whether this is a winner or a loser before you buy so you’ll exactly how much you are likely to make
- How to combine the best buying, selling and holding strategies to maximize your cash flow and profits
- How to structure a deal in less than 10 minutes, so that you make a minimum of $20,000 in cash an equity on every deal you do
- How to determine the seller’s hot buttons so you can craft a deal the seller can’t refuse
- How to use Don’s proprietary deal analysis tools to negotiate for you, so you never let your emotions talk you into making a bad deal!
So please Register Now and Join Us on the Webinar on Wednesday, April 6th at 7:00 PM ET and learn how to buy all the pretty houses you want without using your own cash or credit!
There’s more…. if this is not enough, Don will be back with us on Thursday, April 28th for a Full Day Online Workshop called “How to Jump Start Your Creative Real Estate Investing Business” to really drive these points home and give you all the subject-to details you need to succeed in the Pretty House Business. Once you are armed with Don’s training and the tools, you will be able to do deals you never thought possible!
We look forward to seeing you on the webinar!
Wed, April 13th @ 7PM on GoToWebinar.com
Webinar Wednesday April 13th, 2016 at 7PM ET on GoToWebinar How to Make a Flipping Fortune Wholesaling Crappy Houses A Live Webinar with Don DeRosaRegister @ Webinar2.AtlantaREIA.com
Don DeRosa is a part time real estate investor trainer and mentor and full-time real estate investor who actively buys, sells and holds properties each month for fun, profit and long term cash flow.
The topic of our next webinar is “Wholesaling Houses” which is the business of buying houses in need of major repairs at really low prices and selling them to other “fix and flip” or “buy and hold” investors at wholesale prices. In other words, finding bargains for bargain hunters.
Wholesaling is a great strategy for making quick cash with very low risk and without using any of your own cash, income or credit. Because of this, wholesaling real estate is one of the quickest and easiest ways to get started investing in real estate because anyone can do it with a little training and effort.
If you want to learn more about Wholesaling, join us on Wednesday, April 13th at 7:00 PM ET for a Training Webinar where Don is going to teach you Wholesale Strategies you need to succeed and take you step-by-step through the entire wholesale process.

By the end of the webinar, you’ll know…
- How to recognize a wholesale deal when you see one
- How to evaluate a deal and make sure it is something you can quickly wholesale
- How to estimate the After Repair Value (ARV) of a home
- How to estimate the repair costs
- How to determine the maximum price you’re willing to pay for a house
- How to negotiate the deal with your seller
- How to put the house under contract
- And finally, how to wholesale the house to another investor buyer
- All this and much more!
So please Register Now and Join Us on the Webinar on Wednesday, April 13th at 7:00 PM ET and learn how to find and flip all the run down houses you want without having your own cash or credit at risk!
There’s more… if this is not enough, Don will be back with us on Friday, April 29th for a Full Day Online Workshop called “How to Jump Start your Wholesaling Business” to teach you everything you need to get your Wholesaling Business up and running fast. Once you are armed with Don’s training and the tools, you will be able to make more money than you ever thought possible!
We look forward to seeing you on the webinar!
Pretty Houses vs Ugly Houses, Which is More Profitable?
A Webinar with Russ Hiner
Wed, November 18th at 8PM ET
On Tuesday, November 18th at 8PM ET, Russ Hiner, an active investor, coach and mentor in the areas of real estate and creative financing will be hosting a webinar to discuss “Investing in Pretty Houses vs Ugly Houses” and which is right for you. Click here to Register Now!
This Pretty House vs Ugly House Webinar will be a study of why your business model should be centered around the ugly house model or the pretty house model. Or should you split it and invest in both pretty houses and the ugly houses? Get you your questions answered in this exciting analysis of the pretty and ugly houses real estate business.

We look forward to seeing you on the webinar!
Tuesday, October 23rd at 7, 9 & 11 PM ET – Online Webinar
On Tuesday, October 23rd at 7, 9 & 11 PM ET we are having a replay of our Evening with a Real Estate Expert with Mike Warren. Mike is a nationally known author, investor, and instructor specializing in investing in judgments and liens which are secured by real estate.
Mike started in the business of collecting judgments and liens many years ago when he was presented with the opportunity to buy a judgment attached to an investment property for $1,000 which quickly resulted in a $7500 profit without the assistance of an attorney! This simple investment opened the doors to a lifetime of wealth and opportunities.
On this webcast, Mike is going to talk about investing in liens and options, how it works, how much cash it requires, how to profit, the risks and rewards, how to do it from home online and much more! Register for the Webcast Now and don’t miss out on this fascinating topic that you don’t hear about very often.

Wednesday, October 24th at 7, 9 & 11 PM ET – Online Webinar
On Wednesday, October 24th at 7, 9 & 11 PM ET, we are doing another brand new Training Opportunity Webcast with the “Queen of Rehab” Robyn Thompson. Robyn is a big supporter of our REIA and our members, friends and followers. Recently she has taught us “Fixing and Flipping Properties” (Rehabbing) as well as “Wealth Building Plan for Real Estate Investors”. On this new webcast, Robyn is going to talk about how to run your real estate investing business like a finely tuned money making machine, and not just a part-time hobby. Register Now!!

Thursday, October 25th at 7, 9 & 11 PM ET – Online Webinar
Join us on Thursday, October 25th at 7, 9 & 11 PM ET for a special webinar replay on “99 ways to beat the IRS!” with Patrick James, the President and CEO of Tax Strategies and Solutions, Inc., who has dedicated his entire career to helping people and small businesses create and preserve wealth through knowledge. For over 10 years, Patrick has traveled the country teaching tens of thousands of people how the tax code really works and what they can do to minimize their tax burden by taking advantage of every possible tax deduction in order to minimize tax liabilities and maximize tax deductions.

So why not take advantage of these tax saving strategies, and make the tax code work for you instead of against you? If you would like to learn how to help your family and your small business by avoiding paying unnecessary taxes, this is definitely a webcast you don’t want to miss. Register Now!
If you missed Mike Barnes at the August Tampa REIA Meeting, he will be back with us for our next What’s Hot in Real Estate Investing Webcast on Tuesday, August 21st at 7 PM on GoToWebinar. Mike will introduce you to some of the major Mobile Media Marketing Tools that you need to consider adding to your marketing efforts to help to build your customer list, reach your lists more effectively, generate more traffic and dramatically increase your sales and profits! Register for the Webcast Now!

On the Webcast, Mike will teach you:
- The staggering statistics of the Mobile Internet Boom
- The tools you need to ride the Mobile Internet Wave
- The importance of having a mobile friendly website
- How a truly mobile friendly website looks and behaves
- Strategies to entice mobile customers to take action immediately
- Mobile list building strategies to build your lists quickly
- Using forms to build lists and capture customer data
- How and why to use customer coupons effectively
- How and why to drive customers to your very own VIP Club
- How and why you should be using QR codes to your mobile site
- Using Text Messaging to get your messages opened within 5 minutes
- And much, much more!
The Mobile Internet and Mobile Media Marketing are here to stay whether you are paying attention or not. By 2013, it is estimated that more people will be using their mobile devices (rather than PC’s) to access the internet due to the convenience and ever improving ease of use. Atlanta REIA is embracing this new technology and will help you do so as well. Now is the best time to start learning about this new technology and marketing medium so you can adapt your business and start using these tools to take advantage of the wave of new business you could be experiencing.

On Tuesday, August 14th at 7PM we have an exciting and informative webcast scheduled with creative real estate expert, Larry Harbolt, on how and why you should be using Land Trusts to purchase and control your real estate deals.
Register now for FREE and Larry will teach you things like…
- What is a Land Trust
- Why you should be using a Land Trust
- Advantages of Using Land Trusts
- Disadvantages of Land Trusts & what to do about it
- How to create a Land Trust in minutes
- and much more!

We have a special Training Opportunity Webcast scheduled with Marc Hrisko on Thursday, August 16th at 7:00 PM on “Making a Fortune in the Real Estate Recovery”.
Marc says this webcast will be “A dynamic presentation that will keep you on the edge of your seat. There is a mountain of opportunity out there if you know where to look, and more importantly, what to do when you find it.”
Register now for FREE and Marc will show you…
- How to work with banks who are overwhelmed with foreclosures and will actually beg you to take their inventory for pennies on the dollar
- How to structure a flip in this real estate economy to eliminate reisk, increase profit and leave the rookies in the dust
- How to find tax deed opportunities that will result in fast and easy property acquisitions and big, huge, crazy profits
- and much more!

On August 30th at 7:00 PM, Duncan Wierman will be joining us for another Training Opportunity Webcast where he will be teaching us about “Real Estate Joint Ventures & Wealth Without Risk”. Below is just a taste of what Duncan Wierman will be teaching on the webinar.
Register now for FREE and Duncan will show you how to…
- Locate property owners who NEED to sell FAST
- Pick up great properties below market value without doing any of the leg work
- Automate your entire real estate business with a few clicks of your mouse
- Put wholesale deals together by using joint ventures
- Build your BUYERS list in 20 minutes of investors who are ready to snap up your deals
- Email your buyers list about the properties you get under contract and get them SOLD FAST
- Get paid on your deals within 3 to 4 weeks.

We have a special Training Opportunity Webcast scheduled with Marc Hrisko on Thursday, August 16th at 7:00 PM on “Making a Fortune in the Real Estate Recovery”.
Marc says this webcast will be “A dynamic presentation that will keep you on the edge of your seat. There is a mountain of opportunity out there if you know where to look, and more importantly, what to do when you find it.”
Register now for FREE and Marc will show you…
- How to work with banks who are overwhelmed with foreclosures and will actually beg you to take their inventory for pennies on the dollar
- How to structure a flip in this real estate economy to eliminate reisk, increase profit and leave the rookies in the dust
- How to find tax deed opportunities that will result in fast and easy property acquisitions and big, huge, crazy profits
- and much more!

Do You Want Killer Real Estate Deals?
Deals as Low as 10 Cents on the Dollar?
If so, join us on Thursday, July 19th at 7PM for our next Training Opportunity Webcast with real estate expert and President of Charleston REIA, Robert Woodruff, who is going to going to teach you 5 of The Best, Easiest, Cheapest and Safest Ways to market your real estate investing business.
Some marketing strategies work for some businesses, some strategies work for ALL businesses. Some strategies cost $5,000 to $10,000 every month and provide little results. Knowing which strategies work and which strategies waste your small business’s limited resources is extremely valuable knowledge. This specialized knowledge is vital to the success of your marketing efforts as an investor and small business owner and the lack thereof can be detrimental to acquiring massive wealth in real estate.

On this special Training Opportunity Webcast, Robert will teach you…
- The Best Ways – Strategies to get response rates so high from your marketing that professional marketers simply won’t believe you.
- The Easiest Ways – Strategies so easy, a kid can do it… literally. How to use middle and high school kids to do some of your most profitable marketing strategies.
- The Cheapest Ways – Strategies that cost less than a dollar and will make your phone ring off the hook.
- The Safest Ways – Strategies to keep your marketing legal, compliant and make your business invisible to code enforcement.
Don’t waste your time and money on marketing strategies that don’t work when you can join us on the webcast and learn how to save thousands of dollars on your advertising costs. After investing more money than most people make a year on advertising, Robert quickly learned the most cost effective approaches to marketing. Now, on Thursday, July 19th at 7 PM, Robert is going to teach you how to find the best deals from motivated sellers, in any market, at any time, for mere pennies-on-the-dollar. Join us online and don’t miss out!

Please join us on July 26th at 7 PM ET for a very special Evening with a Real Estate Expert Webcast with Robyn Thompson, “The Queen of Rehab”. On this webcast, Robyn will share her story on how she got started investing in real estate as a broke waitress back in the 90’s and has since bought, fixed and sold 320+ homes with price ranges as low as $8,000 to as high as $4,000,000. She has rehabbed as many as 51 houses in one year. Robyn has since relocated to Ocala, FL where she still buys, renovates and sells houses to this very day. She treats her business as a serious cash machine and not just a hobby. Join us on the webcast and she will tell you how you can too! Register for this Webcast Now!

Read More→
POSTPONED: Will Reschedule ASAP – On Tuesday, July 24th at 7PM we have an exciting webinar for you that will spill the beans on a done-for-you killer tactic to turn the tables on any bank and convert a mortgage mess into a pile of cash.
Hi, my name is Stefan Kasian and I am an ex-Wall Street insider – turned real estate investor with nearly 2 decades of real-world in-the-trenches real estate and deal making experience that I will share with you on how you can put the latest dirt on the banking scandals that keep hitting the news daily—to work for you.
Its starting to catch on: many homeowners and investors around the country are fighting back at the banks for their abuses. Maybe the mortgage broker or bank screwed you, and your interest rate isn’t what they promised.
Maybe the bank promised you a loan mod but not you are facing foreclosure. Or maybe you are still current but the market moved against you or someone you know and now you are saddled with debt but you want to do the right thing.

In this rare once-only webinar on Tuesday, July 24th at 7PM, I will have a very special friend who will teach you a revolutionary secret that is silently changing the real estate world forever.
- This process works on any types of properties, residential or commercial, current or past due.
- A simple “litmus-test” to see if your property qualifies based on common banking violations. Hint: it’s not the violations you think—often these are behind the scenes but we show you how to find out anyway.
- This killer strategies Can work on investment properties or residences, or if you are an investor, it can work on your seller’s property too.
- Why most “forensic loan audits” are a waste of your money unless you have this “missing step”.
- Stop foreclosure for 36+ months and counting…and keep your home…it’s done for you—real live testimonial proves how its done.
- Imagine the boost in your cash flow when you settle your mortgages for pennies, at a fraction of interest rate you are paying. No loan mods, no refis, no credit checks.
- How folks just like you went from a mortgage mess of a property to a bona fide “FREE AND CLEAR” house: the hype, the risks, and true facts.
And this is not risky, pie-in-the-sky stuff. This is a solid lawful process done every day behind the scenes, special deals being made with banks you won’t hear on the news. It’s just starting to hit the investor world—be among the privileged few who will have the know how to turn deals other investors snub into amazing cash cows.
And best of all, there is no upfront charge to get started.

Please click here to Register for this FREE Webcast! Be sure to plug in this date, Tuesday, July 24th at 7PM, into your calendar and dial in a little early since we only have a limited number of lines. The first 17 who join us will get a special gift valued at $600.00. Join us to make your 2012 financial dreams come true! Your economic survival and prosperity depends on this call.
Stefan Kasian
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